* I had a very close friend(#)died before we started the
tour, he worked with me for 23 years and today would’ve been his 68th birthday…
(14-04-2008, Houston , TX )
(#)[Terry Magovern, for whom the song was written]
Well they built the Titanic to be one of a kind
But many ships have ruled the seas
They built theEiffel
Tower to stand alone
They built the
But they could build another if they please
Taj Mahal, the pyramids of
Are unique I suppose
But when they built you, brother
But when they built you, brother
They broke the mold
Now the world is filled with many wonders
Now the world is filled with many wonders
Under the passing sun
And sometimes something comes along
And sometimes something comes along
And you know it's for sure the only one
The Mona Lisa, the David, the Sistine Chapel
Jesus, Mary, and Joe
And when they built you, brother
And when they built you, brother
They broke the mold
When they built you, brother
When they built you, brother
They turned dust into gold
When they built you, brother
When they built you, brother
They broke the mold
They say you can't take it with you
They say you can't take it with you
But I think that they're wrong
'Cause all I know is I woke up this morning
'Cause all I know is I woke up this morning
And something big was gone
Gone into that dark ether
Where you're still young and hard and cold
Just like when they built you, brother
Just like when they built you, brother
They broke the mold
Now your death is upon us
Now your death is upon us
And we'll return your ashes to the earth
And I know you'll take comfort in knowing
And I know you'll take comfort in knowing
You’ve been roundly blessed and cursed
But love is a power greater than death
Just like the songs and stories told
And when she built you, brother
And when she built you, brother
She broke the mold
That attitude's a power stronger than death
That attitude's a power stronger than death
Alive and burning her stone cold
When they built you, brother…
When they built you, brother…
* Tenía un gran amigo (#) que murió antes de empezar
la gira, trabajó conmigo durante 23 años y hoy habría sido su 68 aniversario…
(14-04-2008, Houston, TX)
(#)[Terry Magovern, para quien fue escrita esta canción]
Crearon el Titanic para ser único en su especie
Pero otros barcos han dominado los mares
Crearon la Torre Eiffel para que fuera única
Pero podrían construir otra si quisieran
Taj Mahal, las Pirámides de Egipto
Son únicos, supongo
Pero cuando te crearon, hermano
Rompieron el molde
El mundo está repleto de maravillas
Bajo el arco del sol
Y algunas veces, algo se presenta
Y reconoces que es único sin dudar
La Mona Lisa, el David, la Capilla Sixtina
Jesús, María y José
Y cuando te crearon, hermano
Rompieron el molde
Cuando te crearon, hermano
Convirtieron polvo en oro
Cuando te crearon, hermano
Rompieron el molde
Dicen que no te lo llevas contigo
Pero creo que se equivocan
Porque sólo sé que desperté esta mañana
Y algo grande se había ido
Hacia ese oscuro éter
Donde sigues siendo joven, duro y frío
Como cuando te crearon, hermano
Rompieron el molde
Ahora tu muerte nos alcanza
Y devolveremos tus cenizas a la tierra
Y yo sé que te consolará saber
Que has sido igual bendecido y maldito
Pero el amor es más poderoso que la muerte
Como cuentan historias y canciones
Y cuando ella te creó, hermano
Rompió el molde
Esa actitud tuya es más fuerte que la muerte
Sobrevive ardiendo en la piedra helada
Cuando te crearon, hermano…
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